番茄留学公寓由国内著名天使基金投资,整合海外优质学生公寓资源,免费为中国留学生提供学校住宿和校外学生公寓预订服务,是一站式海外学生公寓预订平台。番茄留学公寓本着以人为本的原则,创造性的提出了5S(Safe, Smile, Sincere, Social, Share)的服务理念,终极使命是打造 FunLiving 快乐留学的生活社区。
番茄留学公寓本着以人为本的原则,创造性的构建了留学公寓独有的服务内涵即 5S 服务理念(Safe 安全,Smile 微笑,Sincere 真诚,Social 社交,Share 分享),开创了留学公寓服务模式的先河。
Sincere: 用真诚传递关怀
We’re dedicated to providing safe, secure and welcoming homes for our students, so they can get on with the important things like studying, exploring and making new friends. But our commitments go way beyond creating comfortable homes.
Our 25 years’ experience makes us a natural partner for universities, and we’ve teamed up with many of them, combining our expertise to create a student living experience that is truly outstanding.
Every year over 46,000 students choose a home with us, because they know that as well as providing a top-quality place to live we also:
Provide a range of environmental and community projects for them to get involved with.
Help them get advice and opportunities though our expert partners.
Strive to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy higher education, regardless of their background or circumstances.